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MEDIActive Youth is an international youth initiative of improving youth media literacy launched in 2015. Within two previous Erasmus+ MEDIActive Youth projects capacities of 22 youth NGOs from Europe and Latin America have been raised, a Transnational Youth Magazine (TYM) has been launched, website www.mediactiveyouth.net and multilingual online courses have been created. The overall objective

written by Afaf Hamada, Jordan

Feminism is a fairly misunderstood concept amongst young people. By definition, feminism is concerned with women’s rights to equal opportunities and dismantling the patriarchal system in masculine societies…

written by Marija Marinković, Serbia

The news that 14-year-old Mahir Rakovac from Sarajevo killed himself at the end of 2014. after harassing a student from the Turkish-Bosnian school he attended would not be complete if we did not mention that the unfortunate boy lived in a nationally mixed, Croat-Muslim family…