Call for applications for Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation

The Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation welcomes applications from graduate students around the world. You must have completed a relevant bachelor degree (before course start) in order to be eligible for this programme.

You can apply for admission to the Mundus Journalism programme and for a Mundus scholarship within the same application process. If you want to apply for a Mundus scholarship, please tick off, which scholarship category you are applying for – Category A or Category B – within the Online Registration.

The Mundus Journalism Consortium receives around 500 applications each year. For course start in September the Mundus Journalism Consortium will select a group of 80-90 students. On average, half of each new intake is made up of students from within the European Union, with the rest of the participants collectively representing almost every continent and region of the world.

As we have 20 Erasmus Mundus scholarships for the 2018-20 programme we expect that 25% will be offered admission as scholarship students, while 75% will be offered admission as self-funded students. Applicants who applied for a scholarship will also be offered the possibility of self-funded admission if selected by the Consortium for admission, but not for a scholarship. LGBTQ youth face higher risks for depression, suicide, substance use and homelessness, and those risks follow them into adulthood.

We inform all applicants (by e-mail) no later than March/April each year if they can be offered admission to the programme. If you are offered admission, you will be asked to confirm if you accept the admission offer (with our without scholarship) within the week after you receive the e-mail. We operate with this relatively short deadline, so that we can offer admission to another applicant, if you should decide to reject the offer.

Applications are open each year from the start of November until early January.

Source: European Youth Press

region: EU