Latin American Youth:
Insecurity and disparity.

According to the majority of surveys and statistics, insecurity and disparity are two of the main factors that concern young Latin Americans today. Inequality is the trademark of Latin America, although, in recent years the region is experiencing an impressive growth process in education.

“Violence and insecurity” as the main concern of Latin American youth and the inequality that exists not only in development but in social investment in the countries of the region. While citizens between the ages of 15 and 29 represent about 25% of the region’s population, only 10% of social investment is allocated to them. Despite the difficulties they face, young people are optimistic, they believe in regional integration and are very critical of education. For most young people, improvement in their education and guaranteed access to digital communication technologies are needed in order to avoid the digital divide and unemployment and to favor greater future labor integration. But, we could see these ideas flung due to old ghosts of dictatorships that threaten democracy. That can be observed in most Latin American countries. We should also highlight that the absence of “freedom of expression” is reflected in countries such as Nicaragua or Venezuela in “Internet cuts” and “vigilance in the use of communications.

In order to improve the situation of youth in Latin America, we should aim at a good organization of youth groups and “an individual ethical transformation”. So, maintaining the philosophy of non-violent resistance, youth could set new rules of the game showing that communication and ideological interchanges could be the key to future improvement.

region: Paraguay