Position and Needs of Youth in Serbia

On the International Youth Day on August 12, 2020, the fourth Alternative Report on the Position and Needs of Youth in the Republic of Serbia 2020 was traditionally published.
The research was conducted in the period from May to July 2020. According to the methodological approach and the way of data collection, the research is qualitative and quantitative, that is, both methods of research and data collection were used.

Based on the results of this year ‘s research (insight into the data from desk research, realized focus groups and online results questionnaire), “Krovna organizacija mladih Srbije” complements a set of recommendations for further work, both individually and collectively, of all actors youth policy. The recommendations are basically set out above years and conceived as concrete proposals that have the possibility to become public policies or advocacy campaigns. Despite the facts that in relation to the recommendations given in previous years is not many things have improved, even worsened and that the vast majority the recommendation repeats that we should only supplement them, as well as that they are from the year In a year increasingly, new recommendations are the product of this research and all recommendations together should be the basis for all institutions, organizations and other actors when it comes to improving the position youth in the Republic of Serbia.

Some of the recommendations worth pointing out were:

  • Encourages the formation of a separate line ministry that would deal exclusively with youth (Ministry of Youth) or formation independent National Youth Agency.
  • Programs and projects provided by the Ministry of Youth and sports funding must have a regular annual cycles and that the programs and projects are implemented continuously with a maximum of two months of transition period between competition.
  • The text of the public call for the allocation of funds for the purpose of transparency and democracy, but also based on facts and research, harmonizes the commission with the text of the public a document adopted in agreement with the community and stakeholders, relating to areas of public interest.
  • The composition of the commission that decides on the projects should be heterogeneity and it is necessary to be composed of representatives of all possible potential winners funds, and even target groups, not just the government sector. It is necessary to invite and appoint members by public invitation of these commissions, delegate them through umbrella organizations or conduct a public call for individuals, who will have recommendations relevant organizations.
  • The Ministry of Youth and Sports must developed and long-term program funding in order to activities could be supported over many years and in order to the results were continuous.
  • The National Assembly and the Government should increase the budget of the youth sector and the parts related to youth policy.
  • Initiate reactivation of working groups for amendments to the Law on Youth / Law on Volunteering and the formation of a working group to identify the set laws and priorities that must be proposed or amended.
  • The Ministry of Youth and Sports must maintain regular and constant communication with associations and their alliances in order to solve problems and overcome challenges in partnership.
  • Involvement of young people in the work of the Coordination Body for Monitoring flows of economic migration in the Republic of Serbia – “Krovna organizacije mladih Srbije”, “NAPOR” and “Nacionalna KZM”
  • Establish a minimum standard for youth participation in decision-making and standards in working with young people from the national to the local level, and include them in legislative framework of the Republic of Serbia.

There is a whole list of recommendations. These are just some of them that explain the needs of young people in more details.

These recommendations apply to all actors in youth policy in Serbia, which should work together, improve, plan, implement and evaluate processes, activities and services for young people, while maintaining a constant dialogue with young people and their representatives. Each actor from each of these recommendations can include a certain element in their work and to contribute in that way to the common goal – sustainable and responsible system of protection and development of young people in Serbia.

region: Serbia