“U-Report” is a digital social reporting platform created by UNICEF globally, and it’s available in a digital platform in our country as well. It represents the voices of young people, promotes their participation in creating positive social change and enhances dialogue between young people and decision-makers. The U-Report platform exists in more than 65 countries so far, and brings together over 10 million U-Reporters.
The information gathered can be classified by age, location and gender and provide insight into young people’s attitudes in a fast and efficient way. The results draw attention to important issues in the design of strategies and programs. The questions included in the surveys comprise the areas of health, nutrition, education, employment, child protection, reduction of inequality, prevention of violence, but also many other topics important for improving the position of children and youth.
Aleks Naković, a young activist from the Centre for Cultural Dialogue from Kumanovo, emphasized that this platform has been created by the UNICEF as a hub where young people can express their views on the topics important to them.
- Young people express their views about their participation in the decision-making processes. Thereby, it’s important for all of us can in youth organizations to understand what young people think about the current, ongoing situation in their countries, but also in the world – emphasizes Nakovikj.
Teodora Cekić, a European youth ambassador, also participated in the latest survey. She responded to the questions about imporving the education system.
- The results of this survey will be presented on the Transforming Education Summit organized by the Secretary General of the United Nations in September 2022. That is why it is particularly important that all young people give their contribution, Theodora said, and added that the survey is intended for young people aged 15 to 30, which are currently invlove3d themselves in the educational process.
The U-Report platform enables everyone to respond to questionnaires, report problems, and support the rights of young people to actively participate in changes for the benefit of the community through messages from any part of the world. Participation in the surveys is completely voluntary and anonymous, and all data is managed by UNICEF, which also processes the data and helps us to have a realistic view of the situation on the premises.

Marija Milojević, the Coordinator of the Rekovac Youth Office, invited all young people living locally and beyond, to participate in the survey conducted through the social reporting platform “U-Report Serbia”, because their answers will be very important for drafting a local Youth Strategy. To participate in the survey, it is necessary to open the following link https://bit.ly/ursrbija, after which the VIBER public account “U-Report Serbia” is automatically activated. The next step is to send the word in the viber chat: “POLL”. All young people who register in the next six days, will receive one survey a day from the day of registration. For all additional information, you can contact KZM Rekovac.
Programme of improving youth employability
Unicef Serbia, in cooperation with the Serbian National Employment Service, Ministry of Work, Employment and Social Care and partners, launched an innovative programme „Promoting Youth Employability through Internships” The programme started in November 2021 and lasts till the end of 2022, and it is planned that internships and paid trainings link at least 2000 young people and 500 employers