Media misinformation and disinformation is a major worldwide problem, as media plays a big role everyday in our lives. Everyone uses media for different purposes. In today’s society, it’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s fake!, and we have seen more and more people fall victim to media – induced confusion, believing all kinds of fake stories which leads to unnecessary drama.
The lost navigator on the island where he was shipwrecked, as long as his only company is the projection of his own shadow, has no power, he only acquires power when the other participates in his adventures. On the surface, it is possible to conclude that when others enter the scene, the possibility of exercising power is born, however there are more nuances that must be taken into account…
Each of us will likely face many challenges throughout our professional life. Each step in a career path can bring new expectations and obstacles to overcome. Preparing for these challenges, and learning tips and strategies to overcome them can help you be successful. In this article, we discuss a few of the most common employment challenges and tips you can utilize to overcome them.
Due to the pandemic and the growing media commitment to it, it seems that other social topics are neglected in Poland. The rights of the LGBT population have never been at an enviable level, but the latest news about “LGBT- free zones” leaves us speechless…
The Balkans, a region often surrounded by mysticism and myths that can possess irresistible charm but also occasionally overwhelm us with fear. It is also the place where a new monster has emerged – the Rimac Nevera racing car.
Why are young people particularly prone to drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances? In this article, I will pinpoint several main drives and reasons behind young people’s inclination towards addiction.
INTRODUCTION Social media is a revolutionary internet platform that has drastically altered people’s perceptions of the world and has become an integral part of our society. As technology evolves and expands, social media is becoming an essential tool for daily social interaction. The fact that nearly 2.65 billion people use social media on the internet… Continue reading SOCIAL MEDIA’S NEGATIVE IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH
The European Union arguably faces its greatest crisis so far, with the covid-19 entering and United Kingdom definitely leaving its borders. But, what about Britain?
Factors such as war, social injustice, corruption and the abandonment of the State have contributed to the decline and lack of opportunities for better social development and decent living conditions in Colombia…
Until about 30 years ago, physical punishment of children was completely acceptable in the world. That perspective began to change as studies found links between physical punishment and childhood aggression, delinquency, and spousal violence in later life.
In this article, we explore the symbiotic relationship between critical and creative thinking. We’ll delve into how these two modes of thought intersect and complement each other, forming a powerful toolkit for navigating the complexities of modern life. From their applications in various contexts to their role in personal and professional growth, we’ll uncover the myriad benefits of embracing a balanced approach that integrates both critical and creative thinking.
“The Balkans produces more history than it can consume”, Winston Churchill In the Balkans and beyond, teaching about difficult histories can often be controversial, but does it have merit? As an educator, I sometimes encounter the sentiment that: “We should leave the past in the past and look towards the future, digging up painful history… Continue reading Opinion: FACING HISTORY IN THE BALKANS – Why is it important and why should young people care?