Unveiling the Shadows: The Menace of Social Media Bullying

written by CID Makedonija, North Macedonia

In the digital age, social media platforms have transformed the way we communicate, connect, and share information. However, this unprecedented connectivity has also given rise to a darker side of interaction – social media bullying. As these platforms have become integral parts of daily life, the prevalence and impact of online harassment, cyber-bullying, and digital abuse have gained alarming momentum, posing serious challenges for users worldwide.

The Intersection of Youth and Media in North Macedonia:
Navigating Influence, Engagement, and Challenges

written by CID, North Macedonia

The relationship between youth and media in North Macedonia influences societal perceptions, shapes opinions, and empowers the younger generation. The evolving media platforms, technological advancements, and the diverse interests of young individuals intersect to create a complex environment that offers both opportunities and challenges.

Navigating the Mental Health Landscape for Youth in North Macedonia:
Challenges and Pathways to Support

written by CID, North Macedonia

In North Macedonia, the landscape of mental health among young people reflects a dynamic interplay of societal, economic, and individual factors. While the country boasts cultural richness and historical significance, the challenges surrounding youth mental health persist, demanding comprehensive attention and proactive measures to support the well-being of its younger generation.

The Transformative Role of Non-Formal Education in North Macedonia: Empowering Youth Beyond Classroom Walls

written by CID, North Macedonia

In North Macedonia, the pursuit of education transcends the traditional boundaries of classroom learning. Amidst the structured academic framework, non-formal education emerges as a dynamic and impactful force, offering unique opportunities for personal development, skill enhancement, and societal enrichment.


written by ALEKS NAKOVIKJ, North Macedonia

INTRODUCTION Social media is a revolutionary internet platform that has drastically altered people’s perceptions of the world and has become an integral part of our society. As technology evolves and expands, social media is becoming an essential tool for daily social interaction. The fact that nearly 2.65 billion people use social media on the internet… Continue reading SOCIAL MEDIA’S NEGATIVE IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH

MediActive Youth Project
website created


As part of the “Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board” project coordinated by CDER, a special website dedicated to media literacy and media activism of young people was created: https://mediactiveyouth.org The overall project objective is to build the capacity of youth organizations, youth workers and young people, and to develop new educational online resources in… Continue reading MediActive Youth Project
website created

Media literacy training for youth workers successfully implemented


Within MEDIActive Youth project on media literacy, the training course has been successfully held in Belgrade from 25th June to 2nd July 2022. The training, hosted by Centar za drustveno ekonomski razvoj (CDER), had 21 youth worker participants, 3 from each partner NGOs. It was led by experienced CDER trainers. The goal of the training… Continue reading Media literacy training for youth workers successfully implemented