Budgets for the exercise of a higher value and the potentiality of acting with each other

written by Christian Nicolas Roig González, Paraguay

The lost navigator on the island where he was shipwrecked, as long as his only company is the projection of his own shadow, has no power, he only acquires power when the other participates in his adventures. On the surface, it is possible to conclude that when others enter the scene, the possibility of exercising power is born, however there are more nuances that must be taken into account…

Financial Education for Young People:
The Importance of Game-based Learning Method

written by Marija Marinković, Serbia

Financial freedom is a dream for many people, and to achieve it, we must be financially literate. However, in Serbia, as in many other countries, formal education does not provide enough financial education and young people often are not sufficiently prepared for independent living after schooling.

The misinterpreted feminism

written by Ruta, Pavel and Denis, Estonian team

Feminism is a fairly misunderstood concept amongst young people. By definition, feminism is concerned with women’s rights to equal opportunities and dismantling the patriarchal system in masculine societies…

Employment challenges and solution

written by Sandra Mikhael, Egypt

Each of us will likely face many challenges throughout our professional life. Each step in a career path can bring new expectations and obstacles to overcome. Preparing for these challenges, and learning tips and strategies to overcome them can help you be successful. In this article, we discuss a few of the most common employment challenges and tips you can utilize to overcome them.  

Brain drain and illegal immigration in Tunisia:
Bleeding from both sides

written by Afraa Maiza, Tunisia

Death boats, the name given to the boats that carry illegal immigrants on board. Boats carrying young people at the age of flowers, with their dreams, aspirations and hopes. But these are boats that don’t give life as much as they hope. These are boats that carry inevitable death, if not for all, then for the thousands of them.

New Hope for a Free and Inclusive Twitter?

written by Mehmet Demir, Germany

Recently, Musk posed a question to his audience on Twitter about whether the company should find a new CEO. This interaction with users showcases his openness to community opinions and willingness to listen to their voices. In the end, Musk fulfilled his promise and handed over the CEO position to Linda Yaccarino.

Harmonizing Critical and Creative Thinking:
A Blueprint for Success

written by Mr Mohamed Fethi, Algeria

In this article, we explore the symbiotic relationship between critical and creative thinking. We’ll delve into how these two modes of thought intersect and complement each other, forming a powerful toolkit for navigating the complexities of modern life. From their applications in various contexts to their role in personal and professional growth, we’ll uncover the myriad benefits of embracing a balanced approach that integrates both critical and creative thinking.

Heal your depths

written by Afraa Maiza, Tunisia

If you tried everything and the disease is still there, if you have tried all kinds of medicine and no results, if you have pain in a specific part of the body and you have not found an explanation for it, if you follow a 100% healthy life, and yet you get sick with a serious diseases, if you do not find a reason for your illness, it may be an internal feeling resulting from traumas in life.