The Game of Lie

written by TADJEDDINE Hayet, Algeria

In our society where technology took over our personal lives, It’s really another world behind our phone screens, a perfect world, everything is complete. We see thousands of stories and publications every day and we don’t know who’s real, who’s perfect and who’s just hiding behind his phone screen.


written by Derbal Feriel Houaria, Algeria

‘’ Mental health … is not a destination , but a process.  It’s about how you drive , not where you’re going ‘’[1]                                              NOAM SHANCER,PHD        Mental health it’s being able to think to act and feel things so as to enjoy the life and to overcome the difficulties our moods our thoughts and … Continue reading MENTAL HEALTH

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The Return of the Debate on Abortion

written by Marija, Augusta and Gabriele, Lithuanian team

The issue of women’s right to abortion, after effectively being resolved decades ago with the worldwide consent about it, is currently returning with a vengeance. It is particularly discussed nowadays when taking into consideration that various countries are making it illegal…

Empowering Youth: Navigating European Policies with Youth Wiki

written by Dragan Mitić, Serbia

In an era dominated by digital information, the Youth Wiki emerges as a groundbreaking platform that sheds light on the intricacies of European countries’ youth policies. Developed to empower young individuals with knowledge and insights, Youth Wiki is a digital compass navigating the complex landscape of European youth initiatives and policies. Let’s embark on a… Continue reading Empowering Youth: Navigating European Policies with Youth Wiki

For women’s right to abortion

written by Ksenija Petrović, Serbia

In 2021 a young Polish woman, Izabela, was admitted to the hospital due to pregnancy complications. Her fetus had many problems and disorders and could not survive. But doctors were hesitant to operate on her because of a new law in Poland that bans abortion except in cases of incest and rape. Isabella’s condition worsened. She texted her mother: “my temperature is rising, I don’t think they will operate on me until the fetus’s heart is beating, and by then I could get sepsis.” She died a few hours later.

Love and life

written by Garali Safouen, Tunisia

Numerous songs, poems to novels and movies are dedicated to love, it is one of the most enduring subject for artworks through the ages; just try to imagine how much its related to the historical, cultural, and even evolutionary human experience!

How COVID-19 has affected youth

written by Magdalena Jevtić, Serbia

Since the outset of the pandemic more than 70 per cent of youth who study or combine study with work have been affected by the closing of schools, universities and training centres. According to some reports many young people have said that they were learning less because of the transition to online school…