For women’s right to abortion

written by Ksenija Petrović, Serbia

In 2021 a young Polish woman, Izabela, was admitted to the hospital due to pregnancy complications. Her fetus had many problems and disorders and could not survive. But doctors were hesitant to operate on her because of a new law in Poland that bans abortion except in cases of incest and rape. Isabella’s condition worsened. She texted her mother: “my temperature is rising, I don’t think they will operate on me until the fetus’s heart is beating, and by then I could get sepsis.” She died a few hours later.

United in diversity

written by Teodora Cekić, Serbia

The WeBalkans Young European Ambassadors is a non-political, activist program that was launched in August 2020 which is now a creative  network  of  future  young  game  changers  from  across  the  Western Balkans

Reconsidering Education: Understanding Why Estonian Youth Drop Out and Delay Entry into the Labor Market

written by Pavel Smulski, Estonija

Youth, opting out of education and delaying entry into the workforce, face a growing problem. In the European Union, the proportion of unemployed young people aged 15 to 29 was 11.7%, and in Estonia – 10.6%, which is still too high. In the Netherlands, with their highly organized education system, this figure is only 4.2%.

Skills Gap/Mismatch and implications

written by Hany Amin, Better World Foundation, Egypt

Challenges facing the public education system indicate that the youth unemployment crisis in Egypt is not due solely to a lack of job opportunities; there is a gap between what students learn in schools and the skills required for the workplace

Media misinformation and disinformation

written by Marina Medhat, Egypt

Media misinformation and disinformation is a major worldwide problem, as media plays a big role everyday in our lives. Everyone uses media for different purposes. In today’s society, it’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s fake!, and we have seen more and more people fall victim to media – induced confusion, believing all kinds of fake stories which leads to unnecessary drama.

Two schools under one roof

written by Ena Duranović, Bosnia and Herzegovina

”Two schools under one roof” is a phenomenon that has existed in the educational system of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2003. Bosniak and Croat children go to schools located in the same buildings, but attend different curriculum programs, using different textbooks and languages…