European Movement in Serbia (Evropski pokret u Srbiji, EpuS) in cooperation with Robrert Bosch Stiftung and Balkan Fund for Democracy are organising their project Travel to Serbia (Putujemo u Evropu) for the 12th time.
The Project has been implemented from 2005 onwards, and so far 1410 student had the opportunity to see the most beautiful European cities and meet European culture and values, some of them for the first time in their lives.

Even though Serbian citizens enjoyed visa free travel to Shengen zone countries for years now, recent research that the EPuS conducted in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Sciences in April this year, showed that most young people travel to EU countries less than they would like to, and that 15% of them never visited any EU country so far.
This year, fifty students selected within this call will have the opportunity to travel around Europe. The call is open to Serbian citizens up to 26 years of age, who are in their final year of BA or MA studies on any public or private Serbian university. The criteria for selection would be their grades, length of study, knowledge of foreign languages, their economic situation and previous travels to EU countries.
The call is open from May 30 to June 17, 2016. All information and forms are available on the Protect’s webpage