Why young people are getting addicted?

Marta Spasikj, North Macedonia

Why are young people particularly prone to drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances? In this article, I will pinpoint several main drives and reasons behind young people’s inclination towards addiction, to identify the ways in which this could be reduced or prevented.

Addiction can be defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the extent that it can be harmful to you. Addiction is the most commonly associated with drugs, alcohol and smoking, but it’s possible to be addicted to just about anything, such as internet, smartphone, shopping etc. Being addicted to something means that not having it causes a crisis, or “come down”. Often, an addiction gets out of control because you need more and more to satisfy a craving and achieve the high.

Peer pressure and coming of age

Peer pressure is one of the most common explanations and reasons for getting addicted. Young people are pressured to fit into the community by speaking the same language, dressing the same, listening to the same music, and even doing the same activities; unfortunately, they are even prone to dive into the same waters of illicit substances. In the age that they are reaching their independence and start a new side of their life and begin new to prove their independence, to resolve the confusion in their heads and the pressure coming from their parent who cannot accept that their children have grown up, young people do some hasty and reckless actions. The pressure away from society is the feeling of being unaccepted, shunned, who can’t find a place anywhere. Struggling with a new chapter that is very important for the future of their life, college and being successful may sound silly, but they are one of the key factors why young people become addicted.


Another reason for young people to try illicit substances is the curiosity. Many earthly beings have a capacity for curiosity, but teenagers stand out because they want to feel the thrill: what it feels like to be drunk, under the influence of the drugs and the like, etc. The feelings that they expect will happen with the drug, that they will forget all their problems, that they will feel happier, more satisfied and fulfilled than ever. That – if they consume alcohol, they will be more relaxed and have a better time.


From all the things in life that are done with them comes an accompaniment, the consequences. Regardless of gender, nationality or age, addiction leads to tragic moments in life, for the problems that we foreshadow in life, not only we suffer with our health, but also all the people around us, all our loved ones. Drug and alcohol addicts make them abnormal torture of their loved ones not only when they are under the influence or in a similar crisis, but also financially, psychologically and health-wise, the people around them are subjected to torture and living like mosquitoes and thus increasing health problems. Young girls who use drugs they can say goodbye to their natural beauty, to their healthy hair and skin. They also lose the beauty of their body, they lose a whole bunch of kilograms, why all of us who walk the streets and when we meet some young people can say that they are addicts A body tortured by illegal substances or alcohol alone begins to complain about the environment, and the exhausted brain itself is already exhausted.

Young girls who have bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and drug addiction, they use a lot of cosmetics to cover up the flaws, while the boys don’t have a solution for it.

In order to avoid being one of the 96,700 people who have lost a friend or family member to drug addiction, thoroughly verify your friends. This figure just encompasses March 2020 through 2021. A word of alcohol is when: 95k number of alcohol-related fatalities each year in the United States.

Drug misuse can have an adverse impact on one’s physical, mental, and financial health. Depending on how far the addiction has advanced and the kind of drug being abused, the severity of these effects may vary.

We frequently come up with justifications or reduce our consequences in order to convince ourselves that they are not “that horrible” in comparison to other people’s experiences. It is important to examine our own acts, experiences, and the repercussions we have personally experienced rather than comparing them to those of others. Denial generally marks the beginning of an addiction’s growth. I am a medical student, thus I am speaking from that perspective.

Some drugs can make you sleepy and cause slow breathing, while others can give you sleeplessness, paranoia, or hallucinations. Chronic substance use is associated with liver, renal, and cardiovascular problems.

Substance abuse can have a negative impact on a person’s relationships, home and work life, as well as their physical and mental health. So let`s speak with the youth to stop using the ineligible substance’s and to be healthy.