Opinion: FACING HISTORY IN THE BALKANS – Why is it important and why should young people care?

written by Tvrtko Pater, Croatia

“The Balkans produces more history than it can consume”, Winston Churchill In the Balkans and beyond, teaching about difficult histories can often be controversial, but does it have merit? As an educator, I sometimes encounter the sentiment that: “We should leave the past in the past and look towards the future, digging up painful history… Continue reading Opinion: FACING HISTORY IN THE BALKANS – Why is it important and why should young people care?

Two schools under one roof

written by Ena Duranović, Bosnia and Herzegovina

”Two schools under one roof” is a phenomenon that has existed in the educational system of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2003. Bosniak and Croat children go to schools located in the same buildings, but attend different curriculum programs, using different textbooks and languages…