Short story about video activism that is already REVOLUTIONary

written by Anja Matić, Croatia

”YOUTH doesn’t care about anything anymore” (Peter, 56) They are lazy. They have too much free time. They are always on their phone. Sounds familiar? „They“ usually refers to young people today in lenses of older generations. To be more specific, it’s a reference to Gen Z  –  the new generation born roughly between the… Continue reading Short story about video activism that is already REVOLUTIONary

Media Influence on Arab Spring

written by Jelena Spremo, Serbia

The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of demonstrations, violent and non-violent protests that changed the face of the North Africa and Middle East from 2010 onwards. The first spark was lit in Tunisia, and in the next few years it spread throughout the region, bringing downfall to regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, and affecting a number of others, including Jordan, Syria, Morocco etc.

Youth Activities in the Balkans

written by Ena, Aleksandra and Milena, North Macedonian team, North Macedonia

People in the Balkans share quite an intensive amount of experiences, including their intertwined past but also present, especially in the cultural aspect. They share the same food, with some small regional variations, same expressions and mannerisms, and to some extent the same preference in music.

EU Aid Volunteers

written by INFO, EU

EU Aid Volunteers brings together volunteers and organisations from different countries, providing practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contributing to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities…

TV as a Tool for Activism

written by INFO, Croatia

The political climate in Europe is transforming, and activism is evolving right along with it. Croatian activists like Mima Simić are on the leading edge of this evolution…