‘’ Mental health … is not a destination , but a process.
It’s about how you drive , not where you’re going ‘’[1]
Mental health it’s being able to think to act and feel things so as to enjoy the life and to overcome the difficulties our moods our thoughts and well-being design evolved with our experiences and living conditions many things can have an effect on our mental health in a positive or negative or have a negative impact on our mental health.[2]

Do you find yourself not only physically exhausted but also emotionally drained there can be quite a few reasons for this especially with regard to your mental health ,think of your emotional and psychological , we can pick up bad habits and negative routines that initially feel harmless do you think of yourself as a positive person maybe you try your best to encourage a friend when they’re feeling down by comparison it’s likely that you may not be as kind to yourself does this sound familiar there’s an old adage that says you are your own worst critic we tend to be the toughest on ourselves and far more forgiving of others negative self-talk comes from many different sources perhaps you’re spending too much time alone or maybe you’re hanging around too many negative people other way the bad thoughts can be overwhelming negative self-talk can sometimes be such a normal part of your daily life that you may not even realize you’re doing it does this get pointed out to you
And while some of mistakes you’re making on a daily basis that you can avoid –
*You don’t get enough sleep.
*You bottle up your feelings You’re always hoping something better will come along.
*You start and end your day on your phone
*You don’t take mental health days* You dwell on the past
* the addiction
*the unhealthy food*
And the negative people …..
The destructive beliefs rob us of our mental strength
‘’ Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but you are not the rain.’’[3] Matt Haig
Everyone has the ability to build mental toughness, but most don’t know how. We spend a lot of time talking about physical strength and physical fitness, but very little time talking about mental strength and mental health.
We can choose exercises that help us regulate our thoughts, control our emotions, and maintain productive behavior in our circumstances. No matter what your goals are, building mental strength is the key to unlocking your highest potential.
Unhealthy beliefs about ourselves
We tend to feel sorry for ourselves.And while it’s ok to be sad when something bad happens, It’s when you start to magnify your misfortune. mostly come about because we’re uncomfortable with our feelings. Feeling sad, or hurt, or angry, or scared, those things are all uncomfortable. Like When you say ‘’ why i dont have chance in my life ?’’ That way of thinking keeps you stuck, keeps you focused on the problem, keeps you from finding a solution.
Unhealthy beliefs about others
We think that other people can control us, and we give away our power,Like’’ when you compare your life with others’’, you give away your power.because maybe they have somthing you don’t have and you have what they don’t have unhealthy beliefs about the world
We tend to think that the world owes us something. We think, “If I put in enough hard work, then I deserve success. But expecting success to fall into your lap like some sort of cosmic reward, will only lead to disappointment.
it’s hard to give up our bad mental habits. It’s hard to get rid of those unhealthy beliefs that we’ve carried around with us for so long. But you can’t afford not to give them up. good habits aren’t enough. It only takes one or two small habits
‘’Even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there’’ [4]
Stephen Chbosky
If you want to be mentally strong, you need good habits like practicing gratitude. But you also have to give up bad habits.
And It starts by countering those unhealthy beliefs, with healthier ones.you have to be strong with how you think with your personaliy To gain confidence in your ability to deal with that discomfort.
Unhealthy beliefs about others come about because you compare yourselves to other people. you think that they’re either above you or below you . Or you think that they can control how you feel, Or that you can control how they behave. Or you blame them for holding you back.
But really, it’s your own choices to do that. You have to accept that you’re your own person, and other people are searate from you. The only person you should compare yourself to is the person that you were yesterday.
And unhealthy beliefs about the world come about because deep down, we want the world to be fair. We want to think that if we put in enough good deeds, enough good things will happen to us. Or if we tough it out through enough bad times, we’ll get some sort of reward. But ultimately you have to accept that life isn’t fair And that can be liberating , it means you won’t necessarily be rewarded for your goodness, but it also means no matter how much you’ve suffered, you’re not doomed to keep suffering.
The world doesn’t work that way. Your world is what you make it.But of course before you can change your world, you have to believe that you can change it.
Don’t use space up on your mind and in your heart thinking about people that have hurt you , let it go there no worth it , you do not have to deal with them you just have to do right with Allah , Aallah will take care of the rest , you don’t have o bother thinking about them
And it all started with just one small step. So I invite you to consider what bad mental habits are holding you back? What unhealthy beliefs are keeping you from being as mentally strong as you could be? And what is one small step that you could take today?
[2] https://www.mentalhealth.gov/basics/what–is–mental–health
[3] Matt Haig
[4] Stephen Chbosky