Role of youth and Erasmus + programme in promoting reconciliation in deeply divided societies of the Western Balkans

written by Sanin Bilić, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In this article we will explore how does the EU contribute to the reconciliation process, promotion of multiculturalism and interethnic cooperation along with increasing overlapping identities through the Erasmus + programme.

Opinion: FACING HISTORY IN THE BALKANS – Why is it important and why should young people care?

written by Tvrtko Pater, Croatia

“The Balkans produces more history than it can consume”, Winston Churchill In the Balkans and beyond, teaching about difficult histories can often be controversial, but does it have merit? As an educator, I sometimes encounter the sentiment that: “We should leave the past in the past and look towards the future, digging up painful history… Continue reading Opinion: FACING HISTORY IN THE BALKANS – Why is it important and why should young people care?

How to feel The Balkans?

written by Tijana Pereska, North Macedonia

Always wondering why these Balkan people praise their countries? Simple. It’s in their DNA to embrace their Balkan spirit. Google does not know everything. One can never get a direct experience, but one can get answers on what some ćevapi look like, but not how they taste, where Struga is, but nothing about how it… Continue reading How to feel The Balkans?

United in diversity

written by Teodora Cekić, Serbia

The WeBalkans Young European Ambassadors is a non-political, activist program that was launched in August 2020 which is now a creative  network  of  future  young  game  changers  from  across  the  Western Balkans

WBYCP presented the main recommendations for improving economic challenges of youth in the region

INFO, European Western Balkans

For the past decade, the Young Bled Strategic Forum (Young BSF) has been bringing together young leaders, aged between 18 and 35 years, from all over the world to engage in lively discussion and develop innovative solutions to some of the most pressing global issues.

Youth Activities in the Balkans

written by Ena, Aleksandra and Milena, North Macedonian team, North Macedonia

People in the Balkans share quite an intensive amount of experiences, including their intertwined past but also present, especially in the cultural aspect. They share the same food, with some small regional variations, same expressions and mannerisms, and to some extent the same preference in music.