We are happy to announce that our Global MEDIActive Youth initiative continues to expand! The European Union approved our new Erasmus+ project called MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans.

The overall objective of this two-years project is to continue with building capacities of youth NGOs globally and with developing new high-quality open education resources (OER) in the field of media/news literacy. Particular attention is given here to the Balkans within the broader European context, and this project will enable it to join the MEDIActive youth initiative, but also to strengthen the dialogue and post-conflict reconciliation in this region.
1. Increasing the capacity of youth NGOs/workers/activists from 6 Balkan countries in the field of news literacy, critical thinking and media activism, and fostering their active participation in society.
2. Creating high-quality multilingual open educational resources (OER) for an innovative learning on news literacy and critical thinking.
3. Further improving the TYM by engaging youth activists from Balkans to start write for it, which will: a) empower an informational/media hub between Europe, Africa and Latin America in the field of youth policy; b) foster post-conflict reconciliation, and promoting the EU and the EU values in the Balkan countries.
1. News Literacy, Critical Thinking and Media Activism Training Course
2. Design and development of teaching material pack (TMP) in the field of news literacy and critical thinking
3. Creating online course: “Sorting Facts from Fiction: Critical thinking vs Information disorder and Propaganda”
4. Improving the TYM (https://tymagazine.net) – new authors, themes and articles
24 youth trainers and 60 young activists from partner countries
1) Training course realized
2) Teaching material pack developed (curriculum and textbook)
3) MOOC A massive open online course designed
4) At least 60 articles written for the TYM
6 youth NGOs from the Balkans:
• Centar za drustveno ekonomski razvoj (CDER), Serbia (coordinator)
• Center for intercultural dialogue (CID), North Macedonia
• Hrvatska edukacijska i razvojna mreza za evoluciju sporazumijevanja (HERMES), Croatia,
• Bosnian representative association for valuable opportunities (BRAVO), Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Pertej Barrierave (BBA), Albania
• Nevladino udruzenje Prima (NVO PRIMA), Montenegro