For the past decade, the Young Bled Strategic Forum (Young BSF) has been bringing together young leaders, aged between 18 and 35 years, from all over the world to engage in lively discussion and develop innovative solutions to some of the most pressing global issues.
For the past decade, the Young Bled Strategic Forum (Young BSF) has been bringing together young leaders, aged between 18 and 35 years, from all over the world to engage in lively discussion and develop innovative solutions to some of the most pressing global issues. During Young BSF, youth from the Western Balkans had the opportunity to discuss problems of the youth in the region, under the Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform (WBYCP), created in 2017. This platform aims to connect and empower youth organizations in the Western Balkans Six.
Through the five years of operation, WBYCP has created the first bottom-up youth cooperation platform, provided a systematic fora of communication and coordination, and empowered WB6 youth with the aim of reaching out and involving them in the regional policy-making process.

Announced in 2020, the Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) will support WB6 growth and reforms with EUR 30bn through six main themes and 10 flagship initiatives. While a part of it specifically targets youth, WB6 youth have a direct stake in the EIP. In the framework of the 10 Flagships of the EIP it is crucial to involve the perspective of youth, as a key beneficiary of all investments and projects implemented in the Balkans.
While Youth Guarantee – Flagship 10, directly deals with youth, the process of Flagship implementation mechanism is vague and not very comprehensive for youth CSO-s who should monitor this process and be an integral part of its implementation.
During the working sessions of YBSF coordinated by WBYCP partners, WBYCP invited youngsters to discuss youth perspective and practical involvement in sectoral policies, as well as relevant stakeholders related to EIP flagships, in order to review current events and prepare concrete recommendations on possible action to deconstruct youth involvement in those policies.
One of the key topics, during the two meetings held so far, were economy and youth employability.
Read more here.