- What challenges do young people face in the employment sector?
- What factors disproportionately hamper young people’s access to work opportunities and how do these differ for young men and young women, and for different social/economic groups in low-income countries?
- How can you overcome this challenges & how to set small goals?
Each of us will likely face many challenges throughout our professional life. Each step in a career path can bring new expectations and obstacles to overcome. Preparing for these challenges, and learning tips and strategies to overcome them can help you be successful. In this article, we discuss a few of the most common employment challenges and tips you can utilize to overcome them.
So, what challenges do young people face in the employment sector?
A challenge is an obstacle that must be overcome to achieve a goal. When you apply the definition of a challenge to the workplace, it is a problem that is stopping you from achieving something you want or career success.
Youth of all levels will face challenges in the workplace or while searching for a job. Each workplace is made up of different management styles, personality types and personal goals, sometimes leading to workplace conflict or challenges. Additionally, youth who are searching for a job can have challenges of their own, including the lack of experience or the hurdle of finding a job.
So, this brings us to the second question:
What factors disproportionately hamper young people’s access to work opportunities and how do these differ for young men and young women, and for different social/economic groups in low-income countries?
Identified barriers to work opportunities include demand-side factors (economic constraints; labor market failures; poor access to credit) and supply-side factors (educational and skills mismatch; lack of social capital). They are cross-cut by social, economic, and political biases against youth. Barriers to employment and work opportunities on the demand side are often not necessarily youth-specific but can affect job seekers generally. These include the state of the economy, the absence of a business-friendly environment and infrastructure shortfalls.
All of the above may hamper young people’s access to work opportunities, yet there are also too many things youth can do just to overcome obstacles and reach what they want.
Someone once said…
“If you didn’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you have lost.”
If you’re one of those people who loves to blame the government, the President, the economy, your country, your school, your lack of experience, your excess of experience, your culture, your race, your major, your age, or your language skills, and enjoy being a finger-pointing victim, please don’t.
Believe there are no limits on what you can achieve with your life, except the limits you accept.
- If you have a problem with your education or the languages, work on yourself, take courses in the field you love to improve yourself then the opportunity to get a job will be easier for you.
- If you have financial issues & couldn’t take courses, internet is everywhere so you can search online, watch a lot of videos related to the topic you need to improve then it may help you.
- If the economic & the labor market in your country are not helping you to get a job, you can search for an opportunity in another.
Take a step, create your own career, and push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
Set small goals
Try to divide each challenge into smaller pieces that you can complete instead of trying to do everything at once. This can assist you in tracking progress and identifying barriers to your project completion.
And the most important thing to do is to “remain positive”
Staying positive will help you to be motivated and focused on overcoming any challenge, from job rejections to coworker conflict.
Always remember what Roosevelt said: “Smooth sea do not make skillful sailors”
So do not limit your challenges, challenge your limit.