We remember and retell pranks from school, and in them there is always that “crumb of childhood”, naivety and clumsiness of youth. But, in the case of the professor from Trstenik, it about the intention to completely humiliate this professor, to, in the literal sense, make her fall on the floor and to immediately post video of this heinous act on social networks.
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Embracing Technology to Empower Education:
Enhancing Teaching through Technology Integration
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology has emerged as a powerful tool that holds immense potential to enhance teaching and revolutionize learning experiences
Should Young People Stay in Serbia?
Even though people claim that life is better outside from Serbia, where many benefits are awaiting, it so happens that existing opportunities in this country are unknown and that young people essentially do not understand them…
Social and emotional intelligence and career success
Social intelligence has recently become a buzzword in human resources departments around the world, but researchers are coming out of their reservations to say it’s time to take social intelligence seriously.
Studying abroad
One of the most observational aspects in today’s educational world is that the number of students who are willing to study abroad is largely increasing. They can acquire new knowledge, meet new people and more. However, it is crucial for a student to study very hard.
Youth4Regions programme, for aspiring journalists
Youth4Regions is the European Commission programme helping journalism students and young journalists to discover what the EU is doing in their region…
Active Procrastination as a Method of Studying
Procrastination is usually seen as a problematic way of getting things done for young adults or students. When students procrastinate, they divert time from academics toward other activities, returning to academics at a later time, or at the last moment…
How did Budapest Become an Important Hub for International Students?
In the recent years Budapest has become a very attractive study destination for international students, who come from all over the world…
Less and less tobacco, more and more drugs among young people in Serbia
Every eighth first grade high school student in Serbia tried marijuana. The research shows the critical period for first encounter with psychoactive substances is at age 14 and 15 for most students…
The issue of youth unemployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Over 50 percent of young people in B&H are unemployed, which is the most common reason for their desire to leave their homeland…
EU Careers Student Ambassadors
If you are a student keen to promote EU careers on your university campus then why not apply to become an EU Career Student Ambassador…
Call for applications for Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation
The Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation welcomes applications from graduate students around the world…