“Your disease is in you and what you see.
Your disease is in you and what you feel.”
If you tried everything and the disease is still there, if you have tried all kinds of medicine and no results, if you have pain in a specific part of the body and you have not found an explanation for it, if you follow a 100% healthy life, and yet you get sick with cancer, immune deficiency, and other serious diseases, if you do not find a reason for your illness, it may be an internal feeling resulting from traumas in life.
There is a science that provides us with a different and profound view of illness and health called the “META-Health”
In this article, we will look at this science, its origins, and its mechanisms, leading to an ideal recipe for strengthening our psychological immunity.
META-Health is a holistic approach that focuses on the interconnectedness of body, mind, and social aspects in relation to health and well-being. It is based on the understanding of how specific stress triggers, emotions, and beliefs can affect specific organ symptoms. META-Health provides a framework for analyzing and addressing the root causes of health issues, integrating various modalities and disciplines.
The approach is aimed at empowering individuals to support their own self-healing and well-being by understanding and transforming the underlying causes of physical and emotional disease. (1) (2)
The META-Health framework is founded on empirical evidence emerging from more than 40 years of research and provides a precise mind-body-social symptomatic model for understanding and processing symptoms at biological, psychological, and social levels. It also offers a set of 10 core principles that redefine our understanding of health, disease, healing, personal development, and evolution. (2) (3)

Here’s the story:
Hamer, the German scientist, an ancient doctor (4). He was married and had one son, and he loved him very much. On the night of August 18, 1978, the German doctor, Ryke Geerd Hamer, received a call in the middle of the night that his 17-year-old son (Dirk Hamer) had been shot while on vacation in the Mediterranean. Three months later, Dirk died (5).
When the father and mother heard the news of the death of their only child, they were subjected to severe psychological shock and great pain that affected their psyche. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Hammer, who had enjoyed good health throughout his life, found that he had testicular cancer, and after that his wife also suffered from ovarian cancer, which led to her death after a short period. This disease made the doctor completely astonished, and he asked himself: How could my wife and I develop cancer in one area, especially the reproductive organs, at almost the same time?
As a physician, scientific researcher and internal medicine specialist at the Oncology Clinic in Munich, Dr. Hammer was in a position to conduct a lot of research on the personal history of cancer patients, to find out whether they too had experienced some shock, distress or shock before developing the disease. Over time, after extensively researching thousands of patients, Dr. Hammer finally came to the conclusion that the disease results only from “a shock for which we were completely unprepared.” In fact, Dr. Hammer doesn’t like to say “disease.” He says instead, it is a special biological response to an unusual situation, and when the “shock” is resolved, the body begins to return to its normal state.. And of course this is a very simplified explanation. Since founding the New German Medicine in 1981, Dr. Hammer has written numerous books about his medicine and its extraordinary results. Some of these books have already been translated into several languages in an effort to spread his new medicine and an attempt to change global consciousness.
Let us give another example: In recent years, the American psychology researcher and life coach, Louise Hay, was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and when she researched this field, she found that there is a close connection between the disease and a rape incident she had been exposed to since childhood, which caused her a trauma from which she has not recovered. Except when she underwent numerous psychological sessions and chemotherapy until she completely recovered from it, and after that she published a book entitled “How to Heal Your Body,” which contains a complete guide to every disease and the origin of the psychological trauma that leads to this disease. (5)
The Saudi researcher in metahealth, Saeed Al-Alouni, wrote a book called عفوا سيدي الامبراطور “Excuse me, Emperor” (6), which was an application of one of the most important modern sciences, “metahealth,” in understanding the internal change that leads to greater health, happiness, and success, which took about 4 years to publish. He added: “There is no separation between the spirit, mind, and body. Rather, they are components of one system. The change that occurs in one of the components changes the entire system at the same moment. The subconscious mind, which manages the various body processes (digestion – excretion – blood circulation – breathing – movement…) is only affected by feelings. When we are afraid, our heartbeats increase despite all the cries of logic that explain how normal and safe this thing we are afraid of is (Phobias) Humans have tried to link feelings to health conditions since the dawn of history, especially since they noticed the harmonious sequence between their psychological problems, severe shocks, and illness, so many commandments came warning against anger, pride, and sadness. Indeed, God Almighty said in His Book Generous: ((And his eyes turned white with sadness)) Youssef: 84
In summary, META-Health is a comprehensive approach that seeks to provide a deep understanding of the root causes of health issues and support self-healing by integrating the interconnectedness of body, mind, and social relationships. It is practiced by a diverse international community of health professionals and is based on a natural scientific framework grounded in empirical evidence.
The purpose of this science is not to substitute medical care in the case of symptoms of a disease, but is merely meant to explain and inform the patient from a META-Medical perspective of what occurs in the body during illness.
In other words, META-Health is perhaps nothing more than another way of saying that the body is a mirror that reflects our psychology, our thinking, and our traumas on our physical health.
