Homelessness is a serious social scourge that strikes the family at its core, and threatens society with the proliferation of other more dangerous scourges.
It is one of the most widespread phenomena that all societies, whether Western or Arab, suffer from. As the difference is only in the proportion and circumstances in each society from the other, but the phenomenon remains very prominent and very frightening in developing countries.There is no clear methodology for counting the homeless and determining their specific needs. Therefore, the number of homeless people in most cities is only an estimate.
The Homeless is the person who lacks safety and protection, who does not have any future plans or goals for his life, but his thinking is limited only to securing his daily food and a place to spend his nights. He is usually unable to obtain permanent, safe and appropriate housing, due to lack or instability of financial income. Poverty and homelessness are linked.
People can be classified as homeless if they: live on the streets (primary homelessness), move between temporary shelters that include the homes of friends and family and emergency accommodation (second homelessness), or live in private boarding houses without a private bathroom or safe space (third stage of homelessness).
The most important causes of homelessness:
- Family problems: It is considered one of the most important causes of homelessness, such as the death or illness of parents, or exposure to domestic violence in all its forms.
- Poverty: It is represented in the inability of some people to provide the necessary priorities for living, such as food, drink, health care, housing and study expenses.
- Unemployment: where it is difficult for an individual to find job opportunities.
- Mental disorders: the person’s inability to do the basic things of life, such as taking care of oneself, managing household matters, and forming relationships.
- Discrimination and racism: exist in some countries on the basis of religion, color, race, etc…
- Wars and political conflicts.
- natural disasters.
The effects of homelessness
on the individual and society:
- Exploitation of individuals: The homeless are more likely to be exploited by people to carry out criminal acts and theft, which affects the security of all society.
- Increasing cases of suicide and mental illness: As homelessness leads to the spread of despair and low morale among individuals, which leads to mental illness or suicide.
- The spread of ignorance: As homelessness leads to the distancing of individuals from education, which leads to an increase in cases of ignorance among members of society.
- Gang spread: It is a group of individuals headed by a person called “the leader”, and they exploit people financially or sexually.
- The spread of begging: Begging is one of the most common things that vagabonds do, and they are found anywhere to beg people and ask for money and help.
- The spread of the phenomenon of family disintegration: The homeless prefer to stay on the street rather than return to their homes and families, which increases the phenomenon of family disintegration within society.
- The prevalence of drug trafficking: As the homeless are exploited to work in selling drugs, and sometimes taking them, which poses a threat to the whole of society.
- The spread of sexual and infectious diseases in society: Homelessness leads to an increase in the phenomenon of sexual exploitation, and an increase in rape cases, which leads to the spread of diseases such as “AIDS”. Homelessness also leads to people being infected with various infectious diseases due to lack of hygiene and sleeping in polluted places surrounded by waste.
- Spread of violence and crime: As the homeless practice all acts of violence against members of society, it is also noted that most of the theft and murders were committed by individuals who suffer from homelessness.
- Increasing the economic burden on the state: Countries that suffer from the phenomenon of homelessness need to build special institutions to care for the homeless, assist them, and follow up on their cases.
- Impact on the tourism sector in the country: As homelessness leads to an increase in violence and crime, which makes the country undesirable to attract tourists from abroad and negatively affects its revenues.
Homelessness treatment methods:
- Understand the causes of homelessness.
- Help the homeless to receive aid. -Be kind to them.
- Give them food, money and clothes.
- Donate toys to homeless children. -Donate part time volunteer. -Hobbies Volunteer to teach them. -Go out for a walk with homeless children.
- Educate children About the homeless.
- Finding new jobs for the homeless. -Lobbying governments to prevent homelessness.
In the end, this phenomenon is like most social phenomena, but it is sensitive at all levels to society. Thus, it requires a lot of concerted efforts, whether from social researchers or economists, in addition to the efforts of civil society. The homeless is like a desert, there is no childhood, fun or warmth in it.
Resources and references :
- Hanson-Easey، Scott ؛Every، Danielle ؛Tehan، Bridget ؛Richardson، John ؛Krackowizer، Antoinette (2016). “Climate change, housing and homelessness: Report on the homelessness and climate change forum” 14- 04-2019
- Office of Applied Studies, Ministre office, “Terminology” 2017 December 23.
- ^ “United States Code, Title 42, Chapter 119, Subchapter I, § 11302″. 15–12–2019 & 201409-17.
- , “Federal Definition of Homeless” 4 September 2009
- ↑ Amy maxmen (23/5/2019), “What Are the Biological Consequences of Homelessness?”, Scientific American , Retrieved 17/6/2021. Edited.
- Dr Osama alowaimer, Causes, effects and issues of homeless people, Page 2. Edited.
Other translated Resources and references:
- ↑ عبد الرحمن أحمد عبد الحي عبد الغني، هبة الله أحمد مختار طه، المجلة الدولية للتراث والسياحة والضيافة، صفحة 3. •
- بتصرّف.
- ↑ د صبا حامد حسين، د وسن عباس جاسم ، الآثار المترتبة على ظاهرة أطفال الشوارع، صفحة 162. بتصرّف. •
- ↑ “برنامجا اجتماعيا لوقف عمليات الانتحار المتزايدة بين السكان الأصليين”، أخبار الأمم المتحدة ، 2/ 7/2004، اطلّع عليه • بتاريخ 18/6/ 2021. بتصرّف.