How does digital intolerance take shape, and who are the invisible allies of hate speech

written by Milica Damjanović , Montenegro

With globalization, its key principles, and the expansion of opportunities for connection, exchange of ideas, and cooperation in all its aspects, serious global problems are also developing. One of the biggest is the prevalence of hate speech, where the growth trend is increasing. The existence and expansion of social networks where this problem is most prevalent gives this phenomenon a greater opportunity for development.

How fake sites affect forming people’s opinion on Facebook

written by Marija Radović, Montenegro

Donald Trump’s election in 2016 In the digital age, social media platforms have revolutionized the way we consume news and information. Among these, Facebook stands out as a dominant force, influencing public opinion and even political outcomes. The 2016 U.S. presidential election, which saw Donald Trump emerge victorious, serves as a stark example of how… Continue reading How fake sites affect forming people’s opinion on Facebook

Short story about video activism that is already REVOLUTIONary

written by Anja Matić, Croatia

”YOUTH doesn’t care about anything anymore” (Peter, 56) They are lazy. They have too much free time. They are always on their phone. Sounds familiar? „They“ usually refers to young people today in lenses of older generations. To be more specific, it’s a reference to Gen Z  –  the new generation born roughly between the… Continue reading Short story about video activism that is already REVOLUTIONary

New Hope for a Free and Inclusive Twitter?

written by Mehmet Demir, Germany

Recently, Musk posed a question to his audience on Twitter about whether the company should find a new CEO. This interaction with users showcases his openness to community opinions and willingness to listen to their voices. In the end, Musk fulfilled his promise and handed over the CEO position to Linda Yaccarino.

The Game of Lie

written by TADJEDDINE Hayet, Algeria

In our society where technology took over our personal lives, It’s really another world behind our phone screens, a perfect world, everything is complete. We see thousands of stories and publications every day and we don’t know who’s real, who’s perfect and who’s just hiding behind his phone screen.

Media Influence on Arab Spring

written by Jelena Spremo, Serbia

The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of demonstrations, violent and non-violent protests that changed the face of the North Africa and Middle East from 2010 onwards. The first spark was lit in Tunisia, and in the next few years it spread throughout the region, bringing downfall to regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, and affecting a number of others, including Jordan, Syria, Morocco etc.

Entrepreneurship for women in the Arab countries

written by Ghizlane Echorrouque, Morocco

We believe that now we have reached awareness among young men and women in all Arab regions about the importance of the private project or entrepreneurship, as there is a great movement from the government sector and also from the private sector to support entrepreneurship

Advantages and disadvantages of media

written by Marina Medhat, Egypt

The media plays a very big role in the modern world that we are living in. Everything became so fast since the innovation of the Internet and mobile phones. But what about the effect of the social media and comparing the modern world that everyone is connected to the world and the past when we didn’t have Internet or mobile phones? Would our lives be better or worse if we didn’t have all these kinds of media technology?


written by ALEKS NAKOVIKJ, North Macedonia

INTRODUCTION Social media is a revolutionary internet platform that has drastically altered people’s perceptions of the world and has become an integral part of our society. As technology evolves and expands, social media is becoming an essential tool for daily social interaction. The fact that nearly 2.65 billion people use social media on the internet… Continue reading SOCIAL MEDIA’S NEGATIVE IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH