High unemployment and limited opportunities for economic mobility are the biggest challenges for the Egyptian youth, which is among the largest globally with nearly 2/3 of the country’s population under the age of 30.
Articles related to youth
Is Politics become the root of all evil?
I am going to tell you 3 stories-
The first one is about the USA and the middle east. The second one is about the Algerian regime and how he ruled the country for 20 years. The third one is about how the Arab countries accepted the existence of Israel.
A sad panorama: Actual situation of the youth in Paraguay
Paraguay is a relatively young country with almost 66% of its population being under 30 years old. Out of 100 students who start school, only 35 of them get to finish high school, while 10 manage to go to college….
Is the education system in Algeria an impediment
for the youth to become entrepreneurs?
The Algerian Youth are often seen as the future of the country. They are educated, ambitious and hard-working. We will explore the education and entrepreneurship of Algerian youth.
Social and emotional intelligence and career success
Social intelligence has recently become a buzzword in human resources departments around the world, but researchers are coming out of their reservations to say it’s time to take social intelligence seriously.
Advantages and disadvantages of media
The media plays a very big role in the modern world that we are living in. Everything became so fast since the innovation of the Internet and mobile phones. But what about the effect of the social media and comparing the modern world that everyone is connected to the world and the past when we didn’t have Internet or mobile phones? Would our lives be better or worse if we didn’t have all these kinds of media technology?
Love and life
Numerous songs, poems to novels and movies are dedicated to love, it is one of the most enduring subject for artworks through the ages; just try to imagine how much its related to the historical, cultural, and even evolutionary human experience!
Youth media literacy
Young people across the world today are facing diverse challenges; youth work, in all its forms, can serve as a catalyst for empowerment. Never has the need for media literacy and critical thinking been more apparent.
Human trafficking: twisted illusion or dark reality?
Even though slavery was officially globally abolished by the end of the 19th century, close to 50 million people, many of which are women and children, are effectively experiencing some forms of modern slavery.
United in diversity
The WeBalkans Young European Ambassadors is a non-political, activist program that was launched in August 2020 which is now a creative network of future young game changers from across the Western Balkans
Advancing youth participation via “U-Report Serbia” platform
“U-Report” is a digital social reporting platform created by UNICEF globally, and it’s available in a digital platform in Serbia as well, representing the voices of young people.
Stand out from the crowd: Job opportunities skills for youth
Were you ever stepped out in an interview by someone you though has less impressive resume or lower qualifications? The reason may be that they excelled in the so called soft skills.