The European Youth Parliament

written by Iva Petrešević, Serbia

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a non-partisan, independent platform that brings together young people from across Europe to simulate the workings of the European Parliament, engaging them in debates on pressing issues and empowering them to develop leadership, teamwork, and diplomatic skills.

Mass Tourism Implications on Youth Perspectives on Adriatic Coast

written by Matija Carević, Croatia

In recent years mass tourism in Adriatic countries has been on the rise. While it has proven to bring many financial benefits, its implications have left a toll on the local population’s life quality. Even though the surge in tourism has undeniably boosted the economies of Adriatic countries, it has also had profound effects on… Continue reading Mass Tourism Implications on Youth Perspectives on Adriatic Coast

Schuman Traineeships in the European Parliament

INFO, European Youth Portal

Twice per year, the European Parliament opens the application process for traineeships. The goal of the Schuman traineeships is to contribute to EU citizens’ European education and vocational training and to provide an insight into the work of the European Parliament. The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer; candidates without distinction as to gender,… Continue reading Schuman Traineeships in the European Parliament