Skills Gap/Mismatch and implications

written by Hany Amin, Better World Foundation, Egypt

Challenges facing the public education system indicate that the youth unemployment crisis in Egypt is not due solely to a lack of job opportunities; there is a gap between what students learn in schools and the skills required for the workplace

MediActive Youth Project
website created


As part of the “Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board” project coordinated by CDER, a special website dedicated to media literacy and media activism of young people was created: The overall project objective is to build the capacity of youth organizations, youth workers and young people, and to develop new educational online resources in… Continue reading MediActive Youth Project
website created

Media literacy training for youth workers successfully implemented


Within MEDIActive Youth project on media literacy, the training course has been successfully held in Belgrade from 25th June to 2nd July 2022. The training, hosted by Centar za drustveno ekonomski razvoj (CDER), had 21 youth worker participants, 3 from each partner NGOs. It was led by experienced CDER trainers. The goal of the training… Continue reading Media literacy training for youth workers successfully implemented

Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board Project has started


MEDIActive Youth is an international youth initiative of improving youth media literacy launched in 2015. Within two previous Erasmus+ MEDIActive Youth projects capacities of 22 youth NGOs from Europe and Latin America have been raised, a Transnational Youth Magazine (TYM) has been launched, website and multilingual online courses have been created. The overall objective… Continue reading Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board Project has started

Erasmus+ app

INFO, European Youth Portal

The Erasmus+ is now available in one app giving you access to the different Erasmus+ opportunities, as well as guidance through the processes surrounding your mobility.

WBYCP presented the main recommendations for improving economic challenges of youth in the region

INFO, European Western Balkans

For the past decade, the Young Bled Strategic Forum (Young BSF) has been bringing together young leaders, aged between 18 and 35 years, from all over the world to engage in lively discussion and develop innovative solutions to some of the most pressing global issues.